Grief Lessons 101

Grief Lessons

It has been six months since I lost mom and here is what I have learnt about grief.

Grief is here to stay. You just learn to hide it better as each day passes by. And with time, you even learn to be grateful, for grief is just love. It is all the love you want to give, but cannot.

There is a major shift in your friendships. The ones who check in on you are the ones who count. And the ones who keep checking in on you even after months have passed by, they are the keepers. The ones who stay when you are no longer fun to be with, the ones who give you bone crushing hugs day in day out and the ones who take time out of their busy schedules when you have nothing to offer in return are the ones to truly cherish.

Grief teaches you there is absolutely no room for drama. Life is just too short to focus on those who only bring toxicity to the table. And it is ok to weed out those drama queens. A smaller circle of badass women, that’s all you need.

Other people’s commentary on your grieving process is not your responsibility. You do not owe anyone an explanation.

The one thing that I hope everyone understood about grief? Strong people break too. They do not have it all together all the time. Because beneath those smiles is often someone crying out for help and compassion.

No matter how grief has weaved its way into your life, the grieving process takes time. Allow yourself to grieve. And take all the time you need..